App-Ah-Latch-Uh Herbal Salve
App-Ah-Latch-Uh Herbal Salve
App-Ah-Latch-Uh Healing Salve is an amazing herbal salve for bug bites, stings, rashes, cuts, abrasions, eczema and as an anti-aging face oil.
Our Healing salve is made from these amazing plants found on our homestead:
*Plantain is an anti-inflammatory that aids in tissue repair.
*Chicory leaf aids in inflammation, helps stimulate collagen production and is full of beta carotene. Chicory also contains compounds for pain relief, similar to ibuprofen.
*Self-heal is added to help reduce the burn and itch of bug bites and stings.
*Clover is added to help sooth rashes and eczema.
*Citronella helps kill germs and fungi on the skin and also promote wound healing.
*Lavender contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
*Vitamin E to aid in moisturizing the skin.
All the plants have been grown organically and found in nature.
I made this salve for my family and we use it every day!